Hello PRCS families! Please click the link below for information on moving to our Green Model: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15WKDIxct9PEir1dlp7ToGGjQMr62jAYc1ExeLcg-3YY/edit?usp=sharing Have a nice afternoon! Christina O'Neal
about 4 years ago, Christina O'Neal
Important message from MSAD11 Superintendent Pat Hopkins: http://bit.ly/3d3Om4g
about 4 years ago, Terry McGuire
Just a reminder that Friday, February 12th is a full day of school and ALL remaining Early Release Days have been cancelled for the 2020-2021 school year.
about 4 years ago, Stephanie Houdlette
MSAD 11 2020-2021 School Calendar - REVISED 2/4/2021. Please click on link for calendar. https://5il.co/pdoa
about 4 years ago, Martha Allen
MSAD 11 2020-2021 School Calendar - Revised 2/74/21
Important message from MSAD11 Superintendent Pat Hopkins: http://bit.ly/3trwcPK
about 4 years ago, Terry McGuire
Transportation Department (207) 582-6663 150 Highland Avenue Gardiner, ME 04345 Gabe Dostie, Director of Operations/Transportation Charles Wilson, Assistant Director of Operations/Transportation February 4, 2021 Dear Parents, We need your help. If your child is not going to ride the bus for the day, please contact the Transportation Office 582-6663. We need to alert your child’s driver not to stop and get your child. Thank you, Gabe Dostie Director of Transportation/Operations
about 4 years ago, Stephanie Houdlette
Hello! Please see the link below for the PRCS February Newsletter: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1B3x3j3A6cxVn2sCd6YpMSofQ1CfZ4ufl/view?usp=sharing Enjoy this snowy day! Stay safe and warm!
about 4 years ago, Christina O'Neal
Tuesday 2/2 will be a remote learning snow day for Cohort A. Please see the following schedule for logging into class: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NVjpPxLLEBc3JznbXi7PlqYUaAgyJZqpVgfdq2EUMYw/edit?usp=sharing Cohort B and Cohort C schedules will not change on Tuesday. Cohort D will follow the schedule from their teachers. Please send schedule questions directly to your child's teacher. Thank you and please stay safe!
about 4 years ago, Christina O'Neal
Second graders are working on two-digit addition in math. Our new math program provides a variety of strategies and models that can be used for addition. Below you will find a video created by our Math Coach, Lindsey Bickford, about those strategies. If you would like to learn more about them to support your learners, click the link below. Mrs. Bickford demonstrates the strategies with a sample problem then explains why it is important when learning addition. https://youtu.be/N2YWgnN473U
about 4 years ago, Lindsey Bickford
Second graders are working on two-digit addition in math. Our new math program provides a variety of strategies and models that can be used for addition. Below you will find a video created by our Math Coach, Lindsey Bickford, about those strategies. If you would like to learn more about the them to support your learners, click the link below. Mrs. Bickford demonstrates the strategies with a sample problem then explains why it is important when learning addition. https://youtu.be/N2YWgnN473U
about 4 years ago, Lindsey Bickford
Meal Pick Up All Cohort A,D and C students who usually bring home/pick up meals on Tuesdays will bring home/pick up meals today, February 1st. This is due to the predicted snow storm.
about 4 years ago, Stephanie Houdlette
Important message from Superintendent Pat Hopkins: http://bit.ly/3iXgFCy
about 4 years ago, Terry McGuire
Important message from Superintendent Pat Hopkins: http://bit.ly/39mMql3
about 4 years ago, Terry McGuire
Fourth and Fifth graders have either started division or will be starting division in the near future. Below you will find a video created by our Math Coach, Lindsey Bickford, about the partial quotients strategy. If you would like to learn more about this strategy to support your learners, click the link below. Mrs. Bickford demonstrates the strategy with sample problems and how it connects to the area model previously recorded. https://youtu.be/uNdYVSXhNsM
about 4 years ago, Lindsey Bickford
Important message from MSAD11 Superintendent Pat Hopkins: http://bit.ly/3c2nUaM
about 4 years ago, Terry McGuire
Our MSAD #11 COVID Handbook for Students and Families has been updated. Please refer to pages 9 and 10 for the updates. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vmGNue-pTN1aNF_PxuXJ-LyU_fd2VhZfOrAxXX17cVo/edit?usp=sharing
about 4 years ago, Stephanie Houdlette
Meal Pick-Up Reminder: Cohort A, C and D picks up/takes home their meals on Tuesdays. Cohort B picks up/takes home their meals on Fridays. If you are picking up, please be here between 2-2:30pm.
about 4 years ago, Stephanie Houdlette
Reminder: please complete the survey regarding moving to "green" by tonight at 5:00 if you haven't already done so: http://bit.ly/3bzheRm
about 4 years ago, Terry McGuire
Today, January 15, 2021 is a Full Student Day not an Early Release Day. Please click on link for updated School Calendar. https://5il.co/onf9
about 4 years ago, Martha Allen
Reminder: Today, January 15th is a FULL school day, not an Early Release day for students!
about 4 years ago, Stephanie Houdlette