An important message from Superintendent Pat Hopkins: https://bit.ly/2TqQDyT

Click on the link to access an important message from MSAD11 Superintendent Pat Hopkins: https://bit.ly/3461qAs

The Emergency Broadband Benefit will provide a discount of up to $50 per month toward broadband service for eligible families and households who are struggling to stay connected during the #COVID19 pandemic. Qualifying households on Tribal lands can receive a discount of up to $75 per month for service. Eligible households can also receive a discount of up to $100 for the purchase of a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet from participating providers. For more info, please visit: fcc.gov/broadbandbenefit
#DigitalDivide #BroadbandForAll

Please click on the link to access the 2021-2022 MSAD11 School Budget Public Hearing Guide: https://5il.co/sdwl

Happy Mother's Day to all our mothers and grandmothers! From all of us at PRCS!

The link below is the updated Student Handbook.

Please enjoy the PRCS May Newsletter!!

Please read this letter regarding spring assessments: https://bit.ly/2S6aiDB
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to your building principal.

An important message from MSAD11 Superintendent, Pat Hopkins:

An important message from Pat Hopkins, MSAD11 Superintendent of Schools: https://bit.ly/3tdlegs

Please click the link below for our PRCS April 2021 Newsletter. Enjoy!

Important message from MSAD11 Superintendent Pat Hopkins: http://bit.ly/310GIk0

MSAD 11 Families/Caregivers - as a reminder, tomorrow Thursday, March 18 will be a full-day of school for all MSAD 11 students. Friday, March 19 is a Staff Workshop Day so there will be no school for any students.

Just a reminder that there will be no school for students on Friday, March 19th due to a district wide Workshop Day!!

Important message from Superintendent Pat Hopkins: bit.ly/38CN8tJ

MSAD 11 2021-2022 School Calendar. Please click on link for calendar. https://5il.co/qkw6

Please use the link for an important message from MSAD11 Superintendent Pat Hopkins: http://bit.ly/383xebF

2021-2022 Budget Information documents are online: http://bit.ly/3b7HuRY
Board Meetings that are livestreamed can be viewed on the Maine School Admin District 11 YouTube Channel: http://bit.ly/3bIwSrT

Hello PRCS Families! We are pleased to present the art selections for the 2020-2021 PRCS Yearbook! Please click on the link to enjoy the short video presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2djTMvLut4&t=2s
Yearbooks for this year are still on sale for $12. If you would like to order a yearbook, please contact the school office at 582-6268 or shoudlette@msad11.org.

REQUEST FOR HELP: Participate in the "Get Up To Speed” initiative by taking a 1-minute test on the Maine Broadband Coalition’s website to map your own speed: http://bit.ly/3pZigJY