Please click on the link to access a letter to families from MSAD11 Superintendent Pat Hopkins:
over 3 years ago, Terry McGuire
Families are asked to complete this short survey by this coming Friday, August 6th, to help determine how many devices the school district may be eligible to receive funding for, from the federal government. Survey link:
over 3 years ago, Terry McGuire
MSAD 11 - UPDATED School Calendar for 2021-2022. Please note that September 3 is a school day not a vacation day. Please click on link for the 2021-2022 School Calendar. (Corrected Link)
over 3 years ago, Martha Allen
MSAD 11 - UPDATED School Calendar for 2021-2022. Please note that September 3 is a school day not a vacation day. Please click on link for the 2021-2022 School Calendar.
over 3 years ago, Martha Allen
​Letter from the Maine Department of Education Child Nutrition team​ for Families: Importance of Completing the Meal Benefit Application for SY 2022: ​
over 3 years ago, Terry McGuire
A message from Superintendent Pat Hopkins:
almost 4 years ago, Terry McGuire
For those PRCS students who will be moving on to the middle school next year, posted here are brochures for each of the 6th grade teams, Hermitage and Moosehead. Enjoy and good luck next year! Please come back and visit! Team Moosehead: Team Hermitage: Step up videos will also be posted soon.
almost 4 years ago, Christina O'Neal
Hello PRCS Families! Just a quick reminder that our last day of school for the year is Friday, June 11. It will be a full day of school. Please remember to return your child's school laptop and charger. We wish you and your family a safe and fun summer vacation! Christina O'Neal, Ph.D. Principal
almost 4 years ago, Christina O'Neal
Just a reminder that tomorrow, Friday, June 11th is our last day of school. It will be a full day with students dismissed at 3:00 pm.
almost 4 years ago, Stephanie Houdlette
Today (June 8th) is the MSAD 11 Budget Referendum. Residents of the MSAD 11 communities are being asked to ratify the MSAD 11 2021 - 2022 Budget Voting Locations: Gardiner - HS Gym Pittston - Town Office Randolph - Town Office West Gardiner - Fire Station Budget Information:
almost 4 years ago, Terry McGuire
​Summer Hours for the Tiger Food Pantry: Mondays 3:00-6:00 PM The Tiger Food Pantry is open to MSAD11 students and their families. We offer a variety of personal care items each week.​ Order form: https://TFPOrderForm
almost 4 years ago, Terry McGuire
Good morning. Today will be a remote instructional day for all students in MSAD11. Please take care of yourselves and stay hydrated.
almost 4 years ago, Terry McGuire
Hello PRCS families! For our early release day today, Mon. 6/7, parent pick-up will begin at 11:40 for our first round of pick-ups, and 11:50 for our next round of pick-ups. Buses will pick-up students at noon. For our Tuesday 6/8 remote day, your child's teacher will provide directions for classwork. Thank you for your flexibility today and stay cool! Christina O'Neal, Ph.D. Principal
almost 4 years ago, Christina O'Neal
Due to today’s forecasted heat and unhealthy air quality, today will be an early release day. Without air conditioning in the majority of our classrooms and with students and staff having to wear masks, remaining in our school buildings for the entire school day with room temperatures in the 90’s is not healthy. Therefore, the high school and the middle school will be dismissed today, June 7 at 11 am and the elementary schools will be dismissed today at 12 noon. While tomorrow is not supposed to be as hot, it is supposed to be very humid. Therefore, tomorrow, June 8, will be a remote instructional day for all students. Please take care of yourselves and do your best to hydrate.
almost 4 years ago, Terry McGuire
2021 16th Annual REACH Showcase: Welcome to our Sixteenth Annual Reach Showcase!! It has truly been a “year” that has again required all of us to modify and adapt to the world around us. As a coordinator, teacher, and/or parent of REACH students, we decided to rise to the challenge that the pandemic gave us to continue our programming and our connection with one another. Following the success of the Showcase last year we are using the virtual platform again this year. Students have worked to modify their projects to this virtual presentation style and are excited that they will have more viewers than the traditional model. The REACH staff and students love to execute our "out of the box" thinking to bring a multitude of different topics and subjects for your enjoyment. Thank you to our REACH staff and students for rising above the challenges, staying afloat, and sailing into the future. Showcase:
almost 4 years ago, Terry McGuire
Updated Meeting Stream Link
almost 4 years ago, Greg Gorham
Special Board Meeting June 1, 2021:
almost 4 years ago, Terry McGuire
Hello PRCS Families, Please enjoy a copy of the PRCS June Newsletter. Enjoy!!
almost 4 years ago, Stephanie Houdlette
An important message from Superintendent Pat Hopkins:
almost 4 years ago, Terry McGuire
Click on the link to access an important message from MSAD11 Superintendent Pat Hopkins:
almost 4 years ago, Terry McGuire