Just a reminder that picture day is coming on Wednesday, September 29!! Order on line at mylifetouch.com using Picture Day ID: EVTQ9FMKN
over 3 years ago, Stephanie Houdlette
Did you know that completing a Free & Reduced lunch form also ensures that MSAD11 has federally funded Title 1 support in our schools? It will have a future impact on our district. Please do your part and complete them or revisit the form ASAP, as these calculations become reality Oct 1st. Link to the Meal Benefit Application Form: https://www.myschoolapps.com/Application For more information: https://www.maine.gov/doe/sites/maine.gov.doe/files/inline-files/Meal%20Benefit%20Application%20Informational%20One%20Pager.pdf
over 3 years ago, Terry McGuire
All MSAD11 school buses will be delayed by 15 minutes today. There has not been an emergency. We are working to get your children home as soon as possible. Thank you.
over 3 years ago, Terry McGuire
NEW COVID Dashboard Chart: https://bit.ly/11dashboard
over 3 years ago, Terry McGuire
Hello PRCS Families! Today, Wed. 9/15 is an Early Release. PRCS students will be dismissed at 12:00. Our dismissal procedure will be: Parent pick-up - first wave at 11:50; second wave at 12:00. Thank you for only arriving at your scheduled time! Please have a sign to hold up with your student's name and grade to help speed our pick-up process. Buses will dismiss starting at 12:05. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call our office at 582-6268. Thank you and have a nice day! Christina O'Neal, Ph.D. Principal
over 3 years ago, Christina O'Neal
Please enjoy our PRCS September newsletter. Please click on the link below: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19iLMxskftmUlQZvjqeKIgWWeXNzx99T7/view?usp=sharing
over 3 years ago, Stephanie Houdlette
Hello PRCS Families! Thank you for your assistance and patience as we work to smooth out the bumps in our arrival/dismissal and parent pick-up process. Our goal is to manage traffic so as not to cause a back-up of cars lining School Street and Route 126. This is for safety purposes in the event an emergency vehicle would need to get through. We have designed the pick-up process to balance the number of people arriving at any one time and in our two lines (lower loop - gym doors and upper loop - lobby doors). As it is designed, we should have 15 people picking up during our first wave 2:50-3:00 (alphabetically by last name A-L), and 15 people picking up during our second wave at 3:00 (alphabetically by last name M-Z). This is further divided between the upper loop/lobby doors (grades K, 1, 4 and 5), and the lower loop/gym doors (grades 2 and 3 and any siblings of those in grade 2 and 3). I would ask that you please follow this procedure to help our traffic flow smoothly. Please do not arrive earlier than your time unless you have spoken to the office and let us know you need an exception. When we have people all arrive at one time, it causes the road to become very congested. Once again, thank you for your help in this process! If you have any questions about your time or location for pickup, please don't hesitate to call the office at 582-6268 and we will be happy to assist you. I know it can be a bit complicated! Sincerely, Christina O'Neal, Ph.D.
over 3 years ago, Christina O'Neal
Please click the link to access a letter from MSAD11 Superintendent Pat Hopkins: https://bit.ly/3k2Gi6Q
over 3 years ago, Terry McGuire
🏫Attention parents, teachers, and care givers of students at PRCS🧡 Our first PTG meeting is scheduled for next Monday, Sept. 13th @ 6 pm. It is a virtual meeting. Please join us to plan for the year. GOALS: 1️⃣We need to elect officers and volunteers to support the group. 2️⃣We need to establish our operating budget. 3️⃣Discuss fundraising options. 4️⃣The focus is on cleaning up and planting in the greenhouse. 🙌 https://www.facebook.com/events/223157123105629
over 3 years ago, Stephanie Houdlette
Please click on the link for an important message from MSAD11 Superintendent Pat Hopkins: https://bit.ly/2X40wo6
over 3 years ago, Terry McGuire
Please click on the link to access the 2021-2022 MSAD11 COVID-19 Handbook for students and families: https://bit.ly/3tap5eU
over 3 years ago, Terry McGuire
The Tiger Food Pantry will be closed on Monday, September 5, and will reopen on Monday, September 13 from 3:00-6:00 PM.
over 3 years ago, Terry McGuire
Hello PRCS Families! We have had a great first day! I wanted to let you know that buses will be running late today, so please don't worry. Your child will be arriving home! Thank you! Christina O'Neal, Ph.D. Principal
over 3 years ago, Christina O'Neal
MSMA Property & Casualty Trust’s Student Insurance plan offers $25,000 for Student Accident Medical Insurance protection through AXIS and administered by American Management Advisors (AMA). Who can enroll: Full time registered students K-12 Teachers Administrative and other personnel Coverage options include: 24 Hour Accident Coverage - $50.00 School Time Coverage (includes interscholastic sports – NOT including football) - $11.00 Football – Grade 9 - $150.00 Football – Grades 10-12 - $250.00 Optional Dental - $8.00 Click this link to find the brochure and learn more about highlights, terms and conditions, how to enroll, and the payment process: Click the link to find out more: https://bit.ly/38vTWca
over 3 years ago, Terry McGuire
Please click on the link for an important message from MSAD11 Superintendent Pat Hopkins: https://bit.ly/3kMuzJ9
over 3 years ago, Terry McGuire
Hello PRCS Families! Please click the link for information on Arrival and Dismissal procedures here at school. This will be similar to last year, with a few small time changes. If you have any questions, please call the school office at 582-6268. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1z8pkopRjD0h3Gg0GZwDAKfudo3HZZM4z/view?usp=sharing Thank you! Christina O'Neal, Ph.D. PRCS Principal
over 3 years ago, Christina O'Neal
PRCS Open House Hello PRCS Families! We are pleased to be able to invite you to a modified version of Open House on Monday, August 30th. We will have two different times for the visit based on your child’s last name. You will meet your child’s teacher out in front of the school at the set time. Teachers will briefly introduce themselves and say hello, then take children inside to see their classroom for about 15 minutes. Children will need to wear masks to enter the school. Families will need to wait outside, which allows us to follow CDC guidelines to limit nonessential personnel in the school. Teachers will then bring children back outside to their families. Time: 5:00 - 5:30 p.m. If your child’s last name starts with A - L 5:45 - 6:15 p.m. If your child’s last name starts with M-Z Please arrive on time so all children can go in together with their teacher. Due to limited parking, we also ask that when your child is done you exit the parking areas, since we will have another group needing to park. While this is different than a traditional open house, we are glad we can offer the opportunity for families and children to meet their teachers and ease some of that first day anxiety. Our grade 4 and 5 classrooms will look a bit different as well, since many of these classes will be moving to a new space once the modular classrooms are set up. Please do not hesitate to call us at school at 582-6268 or email if you have any questions . We look forward to welcoming you to Pittston-Randolph Consolidated School! Yours in education, Christina O’Neal, Ph.D. Principal
over 3 years ago, Christina O'Neal
An important message from MSAD11 Superintendent Pat Hopkins: https://bit.ly/3mj23kt
over 3 years ago, Terry McGuire
In an effort to accommodate a larger group of community members and parents than the MSAD11 Board Room will hold, tonight’s MSAD11 School Board meeting is being moved to the Gardiner Area High School Little Theater. The meeting will still begin at 6:30 p.m. and will be Livestreamed online. The link will be posted on the website at: https://www.msad11.org
over 3 years ago, Terry McGuire
Msad11 Bus Routes 2021-2022: https://bit.ly/busroutes2122
over 3 years ago, Terry McGuire