Please click the link for an important message from MSAD11 Superintendent Pat Hopkins: https://bit.ly/30vO9Da

Please click on the link to access an important message from MSAD11 Superintendent Pat Hopkins: https://bit.ly/3CdSR5h

Electrical power in Pittston is unavailable for the time being. If you need to contact the school, please call Martha Allen at the central office (207) 582-5346, ext 1211.
Classes remain in session, and children will be released at 12:00 pm as planned for the early release day.

Reminder: Tomorrow, November 10th will be an Early Release. PRCS will be dismissed at 12:00pm. No school on Thursday, November 11th in observance of Veterans Day.

Please click on the link to access information about a voluntary COVID vaccination clinic for all those who are age 5 or older: https://bit.ly/3H51bIm

Dear Community Members,
The annual NHS Thanksgiving Basket Drive is upon us again and the students need your help to feed 200 families in our community.
If you would like to donate a turkey please email Rita Tran at
rtran@msad11.org and she will add you to the list. The NHS members will be collecting the turkeys on Friday, November 19th anytime during the school day.
If you would like to contribute can goods we are looking for the following : peas
green beans
stuffing boxes
cranberry sauce
peanut butter
boxed meals like mac and cheese
We will set up a drop box outside the T-wing door (if facing the school this is the entrance on the left) during school hours 7:15 am to 2:15 pm to drop off starting Monday, November 8th up to Thursday, November 18th.
Thank you again for your support
Gardiner Area High School NHS

PRCS Families:
Please enjoy our November newsletter.
We are so thankful for students, staff and families.

Please take a moment to complete a MSAD11 voluntary vaccination clinic survey: https://forms.gle/WVAWcndEd5w9h2py5

Just a reminder that Thursday, October 28th is an Early Release. PRCS students will be dismissed at 12:00. Our dismissal procedure will be: Parent pick-up -first wave at 11:50; second wave at 12:00.

We are sending home school pictures today, please be sure to check your child's backpack when they get home from school. Picture retakes will be on Friday, November 19th.

Hello families!
The weather has taken a turn this week with temperatures in the 40s and 50s throughout the day. This is a reminder that students are still participating in P.E. class outside. Please send children to school with sneakers, a jacket, pants and a hat. The grass gets very wet in the morning and usually dries up by the afternoon. Many students complain about wet shoes and socks during P.E. class. If possible, sending your child to school with a change of shoes would be greatly appreciated for their comfort. As always, thank you for your continued support in these trying times.
*If you need any assistance with footwear please call the office at 582-6268.*
Stephanie Nadeau
Pronouns: (she/they)
MSAD #11
Physical Education Teacher

Just a reminder that tomorrow, Friday the 15th will be the last day to accept the Cherrydale fundraiser packets. Oinksters will be sent home at a later date.
Thank you to all that have ordered!!

Here at PRCS we have Pittston-Randolph PRIDE and celebrate our values. PRIDE stands for: being Positive, Respectful, In Control, Doing our best, and Empathetic. To celebrate our PRCS values, we will wear our PRIDE shirts this Friday, Oct. 15th.

Just a quick reminder that the Cherrydale fundraiser packets are due back on Thursday, October 14th.
Thank you to everyone who has already turned in their packets. Oinksters will be sent home at a later date.

Reminder: Tomorrow, October 8th is No School/Workshop Day and Monday, October 11th is No School/Holiday.
Enjoy your long weekend!

On October 22nd, there will be a voluntary COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic held in MSAD11.To pre-register, follow this link: https://bit.ly/2ZQefzXFor more information, follow this link: https://bit.ly/3D4dZfb

Letter from MSAD11 Superintendent Pat Hopkins: https://bit.ly/3D4dZfb

Please enjoy the PRCS newsletter for the month of October.
Have a great weekend!!

Hoch field update: https://bit.ly/3ipbv38

Smile! Tomorrow, Wednesday, September 29, is Picture Day at PRCS. Order online at mylifetouch.com using Picture Day ID: EVTQ9FMKN.