Good morning PRCS families! We are pleased to report our phone system is back to operating normally. If you have any difficulties, please don't hesitate to let us know by emailing Mrs. Houdlette at shoudlette@msad11.org.
Thank you and enjoy the long weekend!
Ms. O'Neal

Meal Pick-Up Reminder:
Cohort A, C and D picks up/takes home their meals on Tuesdays.
Cohort B picks up/takes home their meals on Fridays.
If you are picking up, please be here between 2-2:30pm.

Fourth and Fifth graders are starting to work on division in math. Our new math program provides a variety of strategies and models that can be used for division. Below you will find a video created by our Math Coach, Lindsey Bickford, about the area model.
If you would like to learn more about this strategy to support your learners, click the link below. Mrs. Bickford demonstrates the strategy with sample problems then explains why it is important when learning division.

Good morning PRCS families. We are experiencing difficulties with our phone system this morning. If you have difficulty and need to reach the school, please email Mrs. Houdlette at shoudlette@msad11.org. You can also contact Central Office at 582-5346 to relay a message.
Thank you for your patience. We will let you know when this is resolved.
Christina O'Neal

Please help by completing this survey from MSAD11: http://bit.ly/3bzheRm

Please click the link below for our PRCS newsletter.
Have a great day!!

We have extended the due date for our year book design cover contest to Friday, January 15th. Remember to have the school name on the front and your name on the back. Drop them off to your teacher or the office.

Happy holidays! We look forward to seeing you in January. Just in case the MSAD11 elementary schools need to switch to the red learning plan, we are sharing a new version for 2021. For now, each elementary school will return on January 4 in yellow/hybrid learning.: http://bit.ly/38xbUed

Happy Holidays from the staff at PRCS!!

Just a reminder that Tuesday, December 22nd is a full day of school. All of us here at PRCS wish you and your loved ones Happy Holidays!!

We will be having yesterdays lunch, Shepherds Pie, rolls, green beans, fruit, milk.

Due to today's weather, there will be no school, in-person or virtual, in MSAD11 today (12/17/2020). The Central Office will be closed. Enjoy the snow!

Click on the following link for an important message from MSAD11 Superintedent Pat Hopkins: http://bit.ly/3ae3BWZ

The Tiger Food pantry is closed today, Monday 12/14. We will be open tomorrow, Tuesday 12/15 from 1-5pm

A message from the MSAD 11 Mental Health Awareness Team: https://bit.ly/3gqW9sz

Good morning PRCS families! Just a reminder that we are still in our red remote learning mode today, Monday 12/7. We will welcome our cohort A students back in person on Tuesday, 12/8.
Have a great day of learning!
Christina O'Neal

Hello PRCS families! I just wanted to confirm that at this point, students in Cohort A here at PRCS are due to come back to school in-person on Tuesday, December 8. There was a misprint in a local news source with incorrect information. If the situation were to change and our school needed to remain in red past Monday 12/7, you would receive an alert from Superintendent Pat Hopkins.
Thank you and please stay safe!
Christina O'Neal

Please click on the link for our December's newsletter.
Have a nice day!!

An important message from MSAD11 Superintendent Pat Hopkins: https://bit.ly/33yMH16

An important message from MSAD11 Superintendent Pat Hopkins: https://bit.ly/36qcESs