We are aware of a fire on 194 in Pittston. We are currently assessing the situation. At this point, the information we received is that we are safe. Parents who wish to pick up their children from Pittston-Randolph Consolidated School may do so. We will be in touch if anything changes.

Message from MSAD11 Superintendent Pat Hopkins: https://bit.ly/3JJIRnW

MSAD 11 2022-2023 School Calendar. Please click on link for calendar. https://5il.co/18o7j

Hello PRCS families! Please click the link below to enjoy our April newsletter.
Have a wonderful day!
Christina O'Neal, Ph.D.

Early Release Day Thursday, March 31, 2022. Students will be dismissed at approximately 12:00 pm. 1st set of parent picks up from 11:50 am -12:00 pm, followed by our 2nd set of parent pick ups at 12:00 pm.

Hello PRCS families! Please click the link below for a letter with information about remote snow days:

Early Release Day
Thursday, March 17, 2022.
Students will be dismissed at
approximately 12:00 pm.
1st set of parent picks up from 11:50 am -12:00 pm, followed by our 2nd set of parent pick ups at 12:00 pm.
No school on Friday, March 18, 2022, workshop day for staff.

Hello PRCS Families!
It is that time of the year again to hold Parent-Teacher Conferences. We are so thrilled to be able to offer these as in-person meetings this spring! Families may also choose to have a conference virtually using a Google Meet link, or over the phone. We will once again be using our PTC Fast sign-up platform. Conferences will be held on Thursday, March 31st from 1:00pm-7:00pm and be 15 minutes in length. (If any teachers need to offer alternate times, you will see these when you schedule.)
Please click the link below to sign-up for your child(ren)’s conferences. You will click on the name for your child’s teacher and then select a time. Our essentials teachers, Title I, special educators, and school counselor are also available for meeting times and their names are also listed. Our 5th grade is offering conferences as a team and is listed as “5th Grade”.
Once you have signed up, you will receive an email confirming the date, time and if needed the link or phone numbers you will use. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher or the office at 582-6268.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at conferences!
Yours in education,
Christina O’Neal, Ph.D.

The MSAD 11 telephone system has been repaired and is now operational. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

MSAD 11 is currently experiencing telephone difficulties at this time. If you need to reach us please use email. We will send another notice when the phones are working again. Thank you for your understanding.

Please enjoy the March newsletter. Click the link below:
Have a nice day!!

There is a 2 hour delay and no am pre-k this morning in MSAD11.

Red Barn Fundraiser To Benefit the Tiger Food Pantry March 5, 4-7 p.m.

Please click on the link to access an important message from MSAD11 Superintendent Pat Hopkins: https://bit.ly/3HtZ3J5

Click the link to access a return from break COVID-19 update from MSAD11 Superintendent Pat Hopkins : https://bit.ly/3HqtQqi

Click on the link to access a message from MSAD11 Superintendent Pat Hopkins: https://bit.ly/3oXati6

Good morning again. This is Pat Hopkins, MSAD 11 Superintendent of Schools. Unfortunately, it appears that I will need to cancel school today after all. While the main roads are fine, many of the side roads and the parking areas at the schools are extremely icy due to the packed snow from the last storm making it unsafe for our buses and vehicles to travel on. If you have to drive, please be safe. The Central Office will open at 10 am.

Good morning. This is Pat Hopkins, MSAD 11 Superintendent of Schools. As of right now, there will be a 2 hour delay this morning due to the freezing rain and road conditions. I am monitoring the situation and if the conditions do not improve to safely place buses and vehicles on the road, this delay could turn into a cancellation. If this should happen, another message will be communicated to families and staff around 6:30 am. Thank you and be safe.

Please enjoy our February newsletter:
Have a great day!!

To watch the Policy & School Board Meeting on YouTube 2/3/2022: https://youtu.be/5wqII4wavHc
To join the remote Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/93660927820?pwd=TW5aVlFYWVg5bEJxMm5XMkZMUWFWQT09 Meeting ID: 936 6092 7820 Passcode: abc582 One tap mobile +19292056099,,93660927820#,,,,*365022# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) Meeting ID: 936 6092 7820 Passcode: 365022 Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/asAVeNmno