I'm thrilled to introduce myself as the new interim principal at PRCS. Please click the link to learn more. https://bit.ly/3OsiDcT

Tiger Food Pantry is open to all MSAD11 students and their families. Summer hours at 3-5 PM on June 20, 27, July 11, 18, 25, August 1, 8, 15, 22, 29. CLOSED July 4th. Please call 582-3150 x 3313 to place a food order so we can have it ready for you to pic, up curbside at Gardiner Area High School (40 West Hill Road in Gardiner). Thanks Mrs. Desoto and Volunteers!!!

REMINDER: MSAD11 will have an Early Release Day tomorrow (06/16/2022). GRMS & GAHS dismiss at 11:00, elementary schools at 12:00 pm. There will be no PREK classes.

The electrical power is out at the MSAD11 bus garage, the central office, and the schools. Students will be sent home on the bus, using the regular dismissal schedule.
Please be aware - phone service is limited at this time.

The MSAD 11 Budget Meeting will be held tonight, June 7, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. at Gardiner Area High School in the Gymnasium.

Hello PRCS Families! Please click the link below to enjoy our June PRCS Newsletter:

Home COVID tests are being sent home with students today. Please check your child's backpack.

Menu change for Friday, May 27th:
Lunch will be a ham & cheese sandwich, carrot sticks, fruit, goldfish pretzels, and milk.

Home COVID test kits available to staff and students. Click here for more information: https://bit.ly/3sTGOZ3

We are thrilled to invite you to the PRCS Art-A-Palooza Art Show on Thursday, June 2nd from 5:30-7:30 pm! PRCS was fortunate to have a visiting puppetry artist, Robin Brooks, working with our students for two weeks this spring. We look forward to showcasing this puppetry work from our students and having Robin as one of our hosts. We will also display artwork from each one of our students. We hope you can join us! Please stop by PRCS at any time between 5:30pm and 7:30 pm on Thursday, June 2nd!

Parents of incoming PreK students! Please join us for a PreK Information Night for parents of 2022-2023 PreK students. This event is for parents & guardians only. Come and meet the staff, ask questions, and learn about the screening process. We hope to see you on Thursday, May 19th, 6:00 pm, Laura E. Richards Gymnasium, 279 Brunswick Avenue. If you have not yet registered your student for PreK, registration packets will be available.

Just a reminder that today, Wednesday, May 11th is an Early Release Day. Students will be dismissed at approximately 12:00 pm. 1st set of parent picks up from 11:50 am -12:00 pm, followed by our 2nd set of parent pick ups at 12:00 pm.

Hello PRCS families! Please click the link below to enjoy our May 2022 Newsletter.
Have a wonderful day!
Christina O'Neal, Ph.D.

The MSAD 11 Art Extravaganza will be held on Wednesday, May 11 from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Gardiner Area High School. It will feature art created by students in art classes. In addition, book art, video production films, and music performed by high school students will be featured.
With support from Gardiner Thrives to promote healthy choices and well-being, Little Chair Printing will be demonstrating screen printing powered by a bicycle. Prints and other keepsakes will be for sale.
Upstream, a nonprofit dedicated to fish passage, will be showing their newly released video, Keystone: Voices for the Little Fish featuring students and staff from the high school. They will also be creating a mural in the hallway offering guests an opportunity to make wishes for fishes.
Face painting, button making, and book art stations will provide opportunities to create art. This event is free and open to the public. All are welcome to attend and celebrate the arts!

Dear Pittston-Randolph Consolidated School Community Families and Members.
The PRCS Playground Committee is looking to enhance the student’s time on the PRCS playground.
We are looking for slightly used children’s playground items you may have at home you don’t use anymore.
Here are a few ideas:
Corn hole game
Little Tykes basketball hoops
Ladder Toss
Matchbox cars
Sturdy cars and trucks for the sandbox and painted car track
Playground chalk
If you have something you would like to donate, please email Mrs. Ciampa at school.
Thank you so much for your consideration!

Updated school lead water test notification and test results, including GRMS:

School lead water results notification, and test results: https://bit.ly/3ks5Rxz

Please click the link below for a letter following up on today's PRCS Shelter in Place:

Update: At this time, Route 27 is closed. Please expect bus routes to take longer than usual.

We are aware of a fire on 194 in Pittston. We are currently assessing the situation. At this point, the information we received is that we are safe. Parents who wish to pick up their children from Pittston-Randolph Consolidated School may do so. We will be in touch if anything changes.