All phone issues have been repaired, and the system is fully functioning. Thank you for your patience.

MSAD11 is having issues with the phone system in some of our schools, the bus garage, and the central office. If your call is not answered, please leave a detailed voicemail message.
An additional notice will be sent when the trouble has been repaired.

Common Sense Media, (commonsensemedia.org), is a website for parents and caregivers to get information on all forms of media to help guide families in what children may be watching or exposed to. There’s a “Parent Tips and FAQs” tab and from there you can choose to search “By Age,” “By Topic,” “By Platform,” and “What’s New.” We urge all parents and caregivers to pay attention to what your children are accessing through their phones, tablets, TV, and streaming sites like Netflix, YouTube, etc.

Special request from the School Nutrition Department - Please choose healthy foods, leaving candy at home. https://bit.ly/3WmtjOS

Reminder –Thursday, October 27th is an early release day for students in MSAD11 (Parent Teacher Conferences). Grades K-5 will dismiss around 12, and GAHS/GRMS around 11. No PREK classes.

Valuable information that was presented at the MSAD11 Special Board Workshop on 10/20/2022. The Maine Integrated Youth Health Survey, Fall 2021 Survey, Prepared for Gardiner Area Thrives Coalition/HCCA: https://bit.ly/3Dhpqmv

Reminder - tonight at 6:00 PM there is a School Board workshop. Attend in person at the Central Office at 150 Highland Avenue in Gardiner, or click on the link posted at www.msad11.org at 5:50 PM to watch the meeting on our YouTube Channel. For more information - click this link: https://bit.ly/3rXSeKA

October newsletter!!

Trunk or Treat!!

Board Workshop on October 20th at 6:00 PM. You are invited! Click the link for more information: https://bit.ly/3rXSeKA

There is an early release on Thursday in MSAD11. Elementary schools release students around 12:00, middle and high school around 11:00. No PREK classes.
No school on Friday due to a staff workshop.

Reminder - Picture Day 10/5/2022

Enjoy our September newsletter!

Welcome to all MSAD11 families for the 2022-2023 school year! Please click on the link to read an important message from Superintendent Pat Hopkins: https://bit.ly/3PY2yeR

MSAD11 request for help - free meals for students: https://bit.ly/3Ri46Sh

MSMA Student Accident Insurance Available Find out more by clicking on the image!

Update: You're Invited!

Due to a staff shortage, the Central Office is closed to the public on Wednesday 8/10/22.

2022-2023 Bus Routes link: https://bit.ly/31XVrgQ

It's a wonderful time of year! Teacher assignments and welcome letters will be mailed out at the end of next week!