Enjoy our April Newsletter
11 months ago, Pamela Dube
April Newsletter
April Newsletter
There will be a two hour delay this morning, Friday, April 5, and no am pre-k. The Central Office will open at 9 am.
11 months ago, Terry McGuire
Thursday's performance of "The Princess Bride" at Gardiner Area High School has been cancelled due to the snowstorm. All Thursday tickets will be honored at a 1:00 p matinee on Saturday. If that option doesn't work for you, there are still tickets available for both Friday and Saturday evening as well
11 months ago, Terry McGuire
The Tiger food Pantry will be closed on Monday April 8, 2024. The Pantry be open Tuesday April 9, 2024 from 3:00-5:00 p.m.
12 months ago, Terry McGuire
Remote day Letter.
12 months ago, Pamela Dube
Remote Day
Due to the pending snow storm, tomorrow, Thursday, April 4 will be a remote school day and the Central Office will be closed. You should have received a communication from your child's school administrator regarding the expectations for a remote school day and your child should have everything they need to complete work from home tomorrow. Hopefully tomorrow we will be lucky and not need to deal with widespread power outages on top of a foot of heavy snow. Take care and stay safe.
12 months ago, Terry McGuire
MSAD 11 Job Postings for the 2024-2025 School Year
12 months ago, Martha Allen
Teaching Positions 24-25
Ed Tech Positions 24-25
Coaching Positions 24-25
Good afternoon, Due to anticipated weather we have rescheduled Pittston-Randolph Palooza to Friday April 26th, 2024.
12 months ago, Pamela Dube
PRCS Palooza
Please click the link for an important message from MSAD11 Superintendent Pat Hopkins: https://bit.ly/4cDsFo5
12 months ago, Terry McGuire
REMINDER: MSAD 11 will have an Early Release Day tomorrow, March 28, 2024 (no Prek). GRMS and GAHS will dismiss around 11:00 am, and elementary schools at 12:00 p.m.
12 months ago, Terry McGuire
MSAD 11 Job Postings - 2024-2025
12 months ago, Martha Allen
MSAD 11 Coaching Positions
GAHS Drama Club Presents: The Princess Bride
12 months ago, Stephanie Houdlette
The Princess Bride
2024 Pittston-Randolph Consolidated School T-shirts $10.00 per shirt* Please complete a separate form for each student at PRCS. *All students will receive a shirt, please complete sizing and info below* T-shirt orders are due on April 11, 2024; no exceptions for late orders T-Shirt color is Orange with new PRCS logo in Black large on the back of the t-shirt https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdkvGbg9sSBFjxU67bafYbLhF8tvRp-z175_jqyd3U3AIBcsQ/viewform
12 months ago, Pamela Dube
Enjoy our March Newsletter
12 months ago, Pamela Dube
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MSAD 11 Job Postings 2024-2025
12 months ago, Martha Allen
MSAD 11 2024-2025 School Calendar. Please note May 7 was listed as an Early Release Day in error.
12 months ago, Martha Allen
MSAD 11 2024-2025 School Calendar
MSAD 11 2024-2025 School Calendar 2
Reminder: Thursday, March 14th Early Release Day in MSAD11 has been extended by one hour. The dismissal time for GRMS & GAHS is around 12:00 pm, elementary schools around 1:00 pm.
about 1 year ago, Terry McGuire
March 2024 edition of the Central Office Newsletter
about 1 year ago, Martha Allen
Maine Cabin Masters Crew Returns to Their Old High School (Gardiner High School) to Build An Outdoor Classroom. Join us on March 4th at 9:00 PM as we proudly present the GAHS episode of Maine Cabin Masters! All members of our school community are invited to tune in online and enjoy the show. https://magnolia.com/watch/tv-schedule/
about 1 year ago, Terry McGuire
Enjoy our February newsletter!
about 1 year ago, Heather Stanley
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