This is a reminder that tomorrow, Friday, October 5, there is no school in MSAD 11 due to a teacher workshop day. Also remember that there is no school on Monday, October 8, due to Columbus Day.

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Picture Day!

Please join us for our first PTG (Parent Teacher Group) meeting on Wednesday, September 19th @ 6:00pm in the cafeteria. All are welcome! We hope to see you there!

Please check your child's backpack for a notice coming home today regarding early release days for this year. Our first newsletter is coming home as well. Have a wonderful long weekend!

Welcome back to students and parents from Supt. Pat Hopkins. http://5il.co/4nw7

We kicked off our new kindness theme at School-wide Morning Meeting this morning. Great first day!

Our theme this year: “Choose Kind”!

Just a reminder that Open House is tomorrow, from 6-6:30pm. Hope to see you there! Also, it’s going to be very hot on the first day of school, so students should consider wearing shorts and tees!

School Bus Routes 2018-2019

MSAD11 Elementary Handbook 2018-2019 https://goo.gl/Fv1nS6

Have a wonderful, safe, and happy summer!

All 5th graders will be going to the middle school today and they will be coming home one hour earlier on the middle/high school bus run.

The staff and students of Pittston Consolidated School are so excited to welcome the students and staff of TC Hamlin School to Carnival Day this Friday, June 15th! We will even have a reporter from MPBN Radio joining us for our Carnival Day activities to see how we celebrate the merging of our two communities. While the reporter may interview some students, no student names will be used. We can’t wait for ALL of our students to join in activities together! Please make sure students wears socks and sneakers, as many of our activities require both.

These 3 did a great job last night presenting the 5th grade playground project to the school board. They represented our school very well.

Revised Chickenpox Notification letter. Please click on link for letter. http://5il.co/3m6s

Please check your child's backpack for a letter coming home today regarding chicken pox. Thank you!

Parent/Guardian letter - Notification regarding Chickenpox - Please click on link for letter. http://5il.co/3m6f

Reminder – Tuesday, May 29 at 6:30 pm at Pittston School the 2018-2019 TCH/PIT plan for students in Pittston School; modular delivery date, placement, plan until modular unit is ready for instructional use. Also, at 6:00 pm presentation of the proposed MSAD11 budget meeting.

We are still looking for help with the plant sale set up on Friday the 18th as well as during the day Saturday the 19th. To sign up use the link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60b084faea92ea5f58-plant

We raised $816 at our car wash last Saturday morning for the 5th grade field trip!