Just a reminder that grades K & 1 will attend the Polar Express field trip tomorrow morning, and grades 3 & 4 will attend in the afternoon. Also, grades 3 & 4 will be eating bag lunch. Thank you.
over 6 years ago, Sarah Duffy
As a reminder, we will be having an Open House this evening from 5:00-5:30pm for parents and community members to tour our new modular unit. Please join us!
over 6 years ago, Sarah Duffy
We’re having an Open House for parents and community members to tour the new modular unit on Monday, December 3, 2018 from 5:00 - 5:30 pm. Please join us!
over 6 years ago, Sarah Duffy
Due to current road conditions, the MSAD11 Central Office will be closed today (11/27/2018).
over 6 years ago, Terry McGuire
Due to inclement weather and current road conditions, there will be no school in MSAD11 today (11/27/2018).
over 6 years ago, Terry McGuire
Due to inclement weather, there will be no school in MSAD11 today (11/27/2018).
over 6 years ago, Sarah Duffy
Due to inclement weather, there will be no school today in MSAD 11. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Stay safe. 11/20/2018
over 6 years ago, Terry McGuire
Due to inclement weather, there will be no school today in MSAD 11. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Stay safe.
over 6 years ago, Sarah Duffy
Due to inclement weather, there will be no school in MSAD11 today. The Central Office is closed. 11/16/2018.
over 6 years ago, Terry McGuire
Due to inclement weather, there will be no school in MSAD11 today (11/16/2018). Please enjoy your day and stay safe.
over 6 years ago, Sarah Duffy
Now that cold weather is upon us, it’s important to make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. We go outside if the “feels like” temp is 10 degrees or above. Thank you!
over 6 years ago, Sarah Duffy
PITTSTON/RANDOLPH Newseltter http://5il.co/5fxt
over 6 years ago, Terry McGuire
MSAD11 schools will release early for teacher workshops on Friday, November 2nd. Please note that release times have changed from the past. GAHS and GRMS will release around 11:00 AM, grades K-5 release around 12:00 PM. There will be no PRE-K tomorrow.
over 6 years ago, Terry McGuire
Immediate opening for a Long Term Substitute for Grade 5 Teacher at the Helen Thompson School. Please click on link for application https://www.applitrack.com/msad11/onlineapp/
over 6 years ago, Martha Allen
Autumn in the K-1 wing!
over 6 years ago, Sarah Duffy
Happy fall
School pictures are coming home today! Please check your child’s backpack.
over 6 years ago, Sarah Duffy
We had a wonderful school-wide assembly today with Barry Lane and his “Creating a Culture of Kindness” presentation. The students were so engaged!
over 6 years ago, Sarah Duffy
This is a reminder that tomorrow, October 17, 2018 is an Early Release Day. Middle and High School students will be released at approximately 11:00 a.m. Elementary School students will be released at approximately 12:00 p.m.
over 6 years ago, Martha Allen
Today we practiced our evacuation drill and everything went very smoothly. The students and staff did an excellent job!
over 6 years ago, Sarah Duffy
October 2018 Newsletter http://5il.co/55fx
over 6 years ago, Terry McGuire