Our lost and found at PRCS has grown to quite large. If your student is missing some of their
belongings, please feel free to come into the school to take a look. We will be donating the contents over our Thanksgiving Break.
Thank you,

Our lost and found at PRCS has grown to quite large. If your student is missing some of their belongings, please feel free to come into the school to take a look. We will be donating the remaining contents over our Thanksgiving Break.
Thank you,

MSAD11 Cell Phone Committee Meeting 11/20/2024: https://youtube.com/live/EvBnocB8PWg?feature=share

Good afternoon, this is Pat Hopkins, MSAD 11 Superintendent of Schools. I want to inform you that the community safety concern that prompted the lock-in procedures at all our schools has been fully resolved. As a result, the lock-in has been lifted, and all schools have returned to their regular schedules. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this time, as the safety of our school community remains our highest priority. Enjoy the remainder of your day.

Good morning, this is Pat Hopkins, MSAD 11 Superintendent of Schools. Due to a known safety concern within the community, all schools are not permitting anyone entrance into our school buildings. Students and staff are able to walk freely throughout the building as the safety concern is not directed at the school, but within our community. This is only being done as a precautionary measure. No threat has been made against any student, staff, or school building. As soon as we are notified that the safety concern has been addressed, the ‘lock in’ will be lifted and families will be notified. Thank you for your understanding.

GAHS Interact Club Holiday Craft Fair.
12/14/2024 from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm at Gardiner Area High School
Free entry, proceeds support Operation Holiday for MSAD11 Families.
Need more information? Contact RayeAnne DeSoto at (207) 582-3150 x 3313 or rdesoto@msad11.org

PRCS is going on an all school trip to Johnson Hall Opera House in Gardiner. Tuesday November, 19th. The bus leaves at 9am and we are panning on being back to our school by 11am.

Join us for our 2nd annual Pittston-Randolph Consolidated School Contra Dance. All are welcome. Tonight 11/15/2024 5:30pm - 7:30pm. Have some family fun and learn how to do the dances taught by caller Doug Protsik. Music by The Monsweagers.

Please click on the link to access an important message from Superintendent Pat Hopkins: https://bit.ly/3AIDJ5e

Please enjoy our Pittston-Randolph Consolidated School Newsletter for November, 2024.

Reminder: Today is an early release day in MSAD11. GAHS and GRMS will release around 11:00 am, and Elementary Schools 12:00 pm. No PREK classes. (11/8/2024)

Picture retake day is on November 14, 2024.

Please consider helping the National Honor Society at Gardiner Area High School by donating a turkey if you can.

MSAD 11 A Family Communty Event Wednesday, December 4, 2024 from 6 to 8pm. Presented by Lynn Lyons, LICSW.

The Good Doctor presented by the GAHS Drama Club.
Tickets on sale and available for purchase online:

Be a part of the conversation.
Join us to learn more about the community proposed School Based Health Center.
Join us tonight, October 29 at 6pm at Johnson Hall in downtown Gardiner.
*Not an MSAD11 sponsored event.

Pittston -Randoph Consolidated School
Spirit Day - wear black and orange
October 31, 2024
(costumes are not permitted.)

This event is for all MSAD11 families and friends!
The Darling Ice Cream Truck will be at PRCS today from 3pm - 5pm.
Any donations gathered at this event support our PTG.

GAHS Interact Club Trunk or Treat
Saturday, October 26
2 pm to 4 pm

Please enjoy our second issue of the 2024-2025 PRCS Newsletter.