March 16, 2020

Dear Families and Caregivers:

This letter is intended to serve as an update on the status of various unanswered questions:

School Meals

With schools closed from March 16 - March 27, we want to be sure families have breakfast and lunch available to ANY student in Pre-K - grade 12 regardless of income in any family. Families wanting FREE meals for their children are asked to call 582-5346 to inform us of the number of children who need meals and the location where the food will be picked up IF you have NOT already completed our on-line survey. If possible, we ask families to contact us once to access meals. This will help us to ensure we have enough meals for every family who wants them.

Meals for each child will be available on Mondays (2 breakfasts and 2 lunches) and Wednesdays (3 breakfasts and 3 lunches). The details to pick up the meals are as follows:

·       Pick Up Locations - 11:00 am - 1:00 pm  

Families, regardless of residency in MSAD 11, may pick up meals from any one of these sites.

o   Gardiner Area High School

o   Gardiner Regional Middle School

o   River View Community School

o   Laura E. Richards School

o   Downtown Gardiner in the parking lot behind the library

o   Pittston-Randolph Consolidated School

o   East Pittston United Methodist Church

o   Randolph Town Office

o   Helen Thompson School

o   Fuller’s Market - West Gardiner

·       Pick Up Location - 4:00 - 6:00 pm

o   Gardiner Area High School

o   If you signed up for one of our 10 locations and miss picking up the meals, you may pick them up at this time and location instead.

For additional information, please visit or call Linda Sergent, School Nutrition Director at 582-5346.

Pick-up of Student Medication

Individual nurses will personally call the parents of students who have medication at school to arrange for pick-up.

Pick-up of Laptops and Remote Learning Materials

Families may pick up their children’s remote learning packets and laptops (grades 7-12), if those laptops are currently at school, on Wednesday, March 18 between 11:00 am and 6:00 pm. Students in Grade 6 will also be allowed to take district owned laptops home during this school closure. Once you arrive at your child’s school, you will be directed to a staff member who will meet you outside. Materials will be gathered from inside and brought to you.

I will continue to provide you with information as it becomes available. I appreciate your support and understanding as we manage these unchartered waters. I apologize if any of our communication does not answer all of your questions or if it creates some confusion. It is our sincere intent to provide you with as much information in as clear a format as possible. If you have any questions, please call your child’s school directly or call my office at 582-5346.

It is understood that this is a scary and uncertain time for many. MSAD 11 wants to do what it can to support all our families and caregivers to help ease any stress or anxiety you all may be experiencing. Please continue to take care of yourself and your family by practicing social distancing and washing your hands frequently. 

Be well,

Patricia Hopkins

Superintendent of Schools