Santa Shop will be open again tomorrow from 10-12 for anyone who was unable to shop today. Due to overwhelming donations, anyone may purchase one or two additional items during this time tomorrow.

Scentsy orders are in! They may be picked up in the office starting tomorrow between 8am-3:30pm.

Snow Day: There will be NO SCHOOL today, Tuesday, Dec. 12th. The Central Office will also be closed. Stay safe!

Happy children playing in the snow!

Santa has arrived!

Pittson School Craft Fair today 8am-1pm

More k-1 doors

K-1 doors

Kimdergarten trees!

Today we had an unannounced Lockdown Drill and the teachers and students all did a tremendous job!

REVISED Late Start Committee Letter to Parents, Community Members, and Staff. Please click on link for letter. http://5il.co/2bw8

It's finally here!

We're thankful for...

Thankful Firsties

Kindergarten is stuffed with fun!

Pumpkin spice and everything nice.

Don't forget-- picture re-take day tomorrow!

Autumn in Kindergarten!

Route 126 is currently closed due to a downed tree and live wire. Pittston School St must be accessed via Route 194.

This Friday, November 3rd, is now a full day of school. Dismissal is 3:00 pm. Thank you.