Due to the road conditions, there will be no school in MSAD 11 today (Wednesday March 14).

Due to the forecasted weather, there will be no school tomorrow in MSAD 11 - Tuesday, March 13.

Agenda for the Special Board Meeting - TC Hamlin School - to be held on March 15, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in the Gardiner Regional Middle School Cafeteria. Please click on link for agenda. http://5il.co/2xv5

We will be having Friday’s lunch menu as planned: #1 French toast sticks, #2 cheeseburger on a roll.

Due to the forecasted snow storm there will be no school tomorrow in MSAD 11 - Thursday, March 8.

School Safety Letter from Superintendent Hopkins. Please click on link for letter. http://5il.co/2vui

Due to being unable to gather info as requested by the MSAD11 School Board, tonight's Special School Board Meeting re: the possible closing of TC Hamlin School is cancelled & will be rescheduled.

As a result of being unable to gather information as requested by the MSAD 11 School Board, tonight's Special School Board Meeting to discuss the possible closing of the TC Hamlin School has been cancelled. The Meeting will be rescheduled once the information is made available

Agenda Special Board Meeting to be held on February 26, 2018 at 7:30 p.m. at the Gardiner Regional Middle School in the Cafeteria. Please click on link for agenda. http://5il.co/2tue

Agenda Special Board Meeting to be held on February 26, 2018 at 7:30 p.m. at the Gardiner Regional Middle School in the Cafeteria. Please click on link for agenda. http://5il.co/2tue

There will be a 2 hour delay to the start of school today in MSAD11. No morning pre-K classes will be held.2/8/2018

2 hour delay in MSAD 11. No am pre-K.

Students in MSAD 11 will be dismissed early today due to the storm. Dismissal times will be: Pre-K - 10:30 am; HS/MS around 11:30 am and Elementary 12:30 pm.p

There is no morning pre-K due to the 2 hour delay today, Monday, February 5, 2018.

There will be a 2 hour delay in MSAD 11 this morning, Monday, February 5, 2018.

There will be a 2 hour delay in MSAD 11 due to current road conditions.

2 hour delay today!

We have change in the lunch menu for this Friday. The choices are: chicken tenders or meatballs.

We're in need of parent volunteers for the Family Dance this Friday. If we don't have enough volunteers by Thursday, we will have to cancel. Volunteers may sign up for 30 minute slots via the Signup Genius link on our Pittston PTG facebook page. Thank you!

Reminder- The School Board is holding a Public Forum to discuss the future of the T.C. Hamlin School tonight, January 25th, at 6 pm. The meeting will be held in the T.C. Hamlin School Gym.