School pictures are coming home today!! Please check your child's backpack. Retake Day is Friday, November 8th.

Reminder: MSAD11 early release tomorrow (October 24th). Middle and high school students will be released around 11:00 am, and K-5 around 12:00 pm. There are no PREK classes.

Congratulations - Application Contest Winners! Please click on link for poster. https://5il.co/axed

Letter from Superintendent Hopkins - Bed Bug Notification. Please click on link for information. https://5il.co/apan

Another chance for our contest!

2019-2020 Bus Routes: https://tinyurl.com/2019busroutes

REVISED School Calendar for 2019-2020. Please click on link for calendar. https://5il.co/8me5

PLEASE VOTE! Budget Referendum - June 11, 2019 at Local voting sites.

Budget Meeting - Tuesday, June 4, 2019 at 6 p.m. at Gardiner Area High School in the Gymnasium. Please click on link for the 2019-2020 Budget Report. https://5il.co/7x4y

Budget Meeting - Tuesday, June 4, 2019 at 6 p.m. at the Gardiner High School Gymnasium. Please click on link for the 2019-2020 Budget Report

MSAD11 Special Board Meeting - Public Budget Hearing Video https://tinyurl.com/msad11specialmtg

May 8th: MSAD11 early Release Day tomorrow due to teacher workshops. High and Middle School students will be released around 11:00 am, and K-5 students will be released around 12:00 pm.There are no PRE-K classes.

Agenda for the Special Board Meeting - Public Budget Hearing to be held on Thursday, May 16, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. in the ATM room at Gardiner Area High School. Please click on link for agenda. https://5il.co/7lp7

Look for school pictures to arrive in your child's backpack next week (Monday the 29th).

Reminder: no school for students in MSAD11 tomorrow, April 12th. April vacation is this coming week. Students will return back to school on April 22nd.

Video of the MSAD11 Board Finance Meeting April 9 2019 https://youtu.be/193XmmipJD4

Tonight's All Chorus Concert has been cancelled due to the weather, it is rescheduled for Tuesday, April 23rd at 6:30 pm.

Video of the MSAD11 Board Finance Meeting April 2 2019 https://youtu.be/_0VjZOdO2Vw

Video of the MSAD11 Board Finance Meeting on March 26, 2019. https://youtu.be/_F2UpTFGxJY

Superintendent's Letter regarding Extended School Days being Cancelled for April and May. Please click on link for letter. https://5il.co/71wh