Dear MSAD 11 Parents and Caregivers,
As we get closer to wrapping up this school year, we would like to collect feedback from you about the transition from in-class learning to remote learning. We value your opinions and your input will be used to help inform our next steps as we plan for the fall.
Please complete this survey:
by Wednesday, June 3 at 12:00 noon. Thank you!
Angela Hardy

We want to make the last week of learning especially fun! You are invited to participate in Virtual Spirit Week. Share pictures with your teacher or join a Meet to show your spirit.

Hello! Please see below for Miss T's message of the week.

Our first graders have been working hard to learn about birds. Please enjoy this video showcasing their high quality work!

Hello! Please see this week's message from Miss T. Enjoy the long weekend!

Please enjoy this Activity of the Week from Ms. Nadeau!

Good morning. Just a reminder, if you were not able to pick up your child's packet and personal items on Monday, they are available for pick-up today, 5/20, from 11-1:00. Thank you!

Hello! We just wanted to let you know that 5 days worth of meals will be given to families this Wednesday, 5/20, 11:00-1:00 since there will be no meal distribution on Memorial Day, Monday, 5/25. Thank you, enjoy the holiday weekend, and stay safe!

Hello! Monday, 5/18 from 11:00-6:00 p.m. is our last packet pick-up day for the final 3 weeks of learning. Many students also have artwork & personal items ready to pick-up. Laptops are also still available for any K-3 students to take home & use these final 3 weeks.

PRCS Virtual Assembly
We miss our students, and having our monthly school-wide assemblies! We know you can't be here at school, so we decided to bring assembly to you virtually. Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktMnRK1xQOA&feature=youtu.be

Yearbook Ordering Update - We apologize for any confusion! Please see the information below:

Update to families and caregivers from Superintendent Pat Hopkins May 12 2020: https://bit.ly/2LnWTjv

Just a reminder if you haven't picked up your student's learning packet, they will be available today from 11am to 1:00 pm.

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! We love and celebrate all of our amazing PRCS teachers this week. Thank you for all you do!

Click below to enjoy Ms. Nadeau's P.E. Activity of the Week!

Please see Miss T's message for our grade K-2 students.

The week of April 20-24 will be recognized as April vacation. Just a reminder that student meals will still be available for distribution Monday, April 20 from 11-1 and Wednesday, April 22 from 11-1. Please enjoy the time with your families. Stay safe and healthy! We miss you!

Please see Miss T's Message of the week for grades 3-4. https://docs.google.com/document/d/18u0TRDiq_ZduuceUsBng4Q4W_pv8q_6BttNhu_aj61M/edit?usp=sharing

And here is a re-post of Ms. Nadeau's Activity of the Week from last week, with a better link. Enjoy!

Ms. Nadeau's P.E. activity of the week!