Pittston-Randolph Consolidated School is experiencing a phone issue. Our main line is not working. Please call 582-6334, our secondary line, if you need to contact us today. We hope to resolve this problem soon. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Technology Dept.
MSAD11 would appreciate your help. Please complete this eligibility survey no later than Tuesday, October 27th. Thank you! https://bit.ly/34Yv6iU
over 4 years ago, Terry McGuire
Fall Catch Up Immunization Clinic If your child is behind on immunizations, here is a great opportunity. There is no cost to families and appointments can be made in Augusta or Lewiston. Please see attached flyer for more information.
over 4 years ago, Technology Dept.
Immunization Info
Immunization Info
Just a reminder that PRCS Picture Day is Monday, October 5 and Thursday, October 8 with Remote Learners coming in on Thursday for 11:00am. To order on line you will need Picture Day Code: EVTSMM34F
over 4 years ago, Stephanie Houdlette
A quick video on routine transportation safety and some of the features of our busses. https://youtu.be/20tPtoc2llo
over 4 years ago, Technology Dept.
Fall Picture Day is scheduled for Monday, October 5th for Cohort A students and Thursday, October 8th for Cohort B students. We are asking that our Remote C students be photographed on Thursday, October 8th from 11:00am to 1:00pm.You may order pictures online at mylifetouch.com with the Picture Day ID: EVTSMM34F.
over 4 years ago, Stephanie Houdlette
The MSAD11 Distance Learning Parent Information letter can be found at this link: https://bit.ly/2Fzic2c
over 4 years ago, Terry McGuire
Please complete this meal sign up form. If you choose meals on this form, your student's name will be on our list EACH WEEK UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. Please complete this form by Sunday, September 20, 2020. Please click on the link to sign up. https://forms.gle/Yh84fkJrbdZ5gtMp8
over 4 years ago, Martha Allen
Dear MSAD 11 Families, Please complete this meal sign up form. If you choose meals on this form, your student's name will be on our list EACH WEEK UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. Please complete this form by Sunday, September 20. https://forms.gle/Yh84fkJrbdZ5gtMp8
over 4 years ago, Christina O'Neal
Please see the attached flyer to find out more about how the PTG helps our school and opportunities to become involved: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CMcgjdYLxaGFE8ErIJCCuZeN-E3Ho9lqL2QfuTmqPLQ/edit?usp=sharing Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Christina O'Neal
Good morning – this is Pat Hopkins, MSAD 11 Superintendent of Schools. It is my understanding that a robo call recently went out to some parents and staff indicating that the Gardiner Area High School is closed today and that students will be transported home. That message did not come from MSAD 11. Gardiner Area High School is open for school today. Students are not being transported home. We apologize for the confusion that call has caused and we will be looking into how this happened. Again GAHS is open for school today. Have a great day.
over 4 years ago, Terry McGuire
MSAD 11 Remote Lunch Signup: September 16 - 22, 2020: https://forms.gle/fGMA3kUoY7KX5HZi6
over 4 years ago, Terry McGuire
Here is a letter from Superintendent Pat Hopkins regarding child nutrition and attendance: https://bit.ly/32iT34E
over 4 years ago, Terry McGuire
PRCS PTG Monthly Meeting Monday September 14th @ 5 pm virtually First virtual PTG meeting for the 2020/2021 school year, please join us! Meeting ID meet.google.com/rcc-bdjn-zat Phone Numbers(‪US‬) ‪+1 414-909-5908‬ PIN: ‪134 971 913#‬ We are looking for Officers for the 2020/2021 school year to include nominations for: President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. If you are interested, please email us at PittstonPTG@gmail.com or call the school office 582-6268. All nominations are due by Monday, September 14th. The first meeting of the year and the voting in of the new officers will be Monday, September 14th at 5pm virtually. Follow us on Facebook: Pittston-Randolph Consolidated School PTG as well as our Facebook Group: Pittston-Randolph Consolidated School PTG Group or Check out our website: https://sites.google.com/a/msad11.org/pittston-ptg/home
over 4 years ago, Christina O'Neal
Parent/Guardian Guide to Google Classroom for Grade 4-12: https://youtu.be/JqxCfihxEVw Parent Guardian Guide to SeeSaw for PREK-Grade 3: https://youtu.be/pzlrtDR84KY Chromebooks, Google Mail, and More: Technology Reference Website: https://bit.ly/33fOzLp
over 4 years ago, Terry McGuire
Update on Arrival and Dismissal Procedures Hello Parents/Guardians! We enjoyed our first day of school with our Cohort A students, and are looking forward to seeing our Cohort B students in the morning. We have made a few improvements in our procedures for arrival and dismissal based on our experience on Tuesday. The times and the door you drop your child off or pick-up will remain the same. We will now be using both of the bus loops to improve traffic flow. Arrival: If you are dropping off at the Main Doors, please use the upper bus loop. Please stop at the stop sign. A staff member will walk your child across the crosswalk. Please only let your child out at the stop sign. Please do not get out of your vehicle unless you need to help with a car booster seat. If you are dropping off at the Gym Doors, please use the lower bus loop. Please stop at the gym doors. Drop your child off only in front of the doors. Please watch for children and vehicle traffic as you exit. Dismissal: If you are picking up at the Main Doors, please use the upper bus loop. Please stop at the stop sign and show the staff member the sign with your child’s name. A staff member will walk your child across the crosswalk to you. Please do not get out of your vehicle unless you need to help with a car booster seat. If you are picking up at the Gym Doors, please use the lower bus loop. Please stop at the gym doors and show the staff member the sign with your child’s name. Please do not get out of your vehicle unless you need to help with a car booster seat. Please watch for children and vehicle traffic as you exit. We hope these improvements will make things even smoother and faster for arrival and dismissal. Thank you for your cooperation! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us here at school.
over 4 years ago, Christina O'Neal
Families who need to order breakfasts and lunches for remote learning days from Wednesday, September 16 through Tuesday, September 22 MUST COMPLETE THIS FORM by 11:59 pm on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10. Please use this link to sign up for meals: https://forms.gle/fGMA3kUoY7KX5HZi6
over 4 years ago, Martha Allen
Families who need to order breakfasts and lunches for remote learning days from Wednesday, September 16 through Tuesday, September 22 can use this link: https://forms.gle/fGMA3kUoY7KX5HZi6 YOU MUST COMPLETE THIS FORM by 11:59 pm on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10.
over 4 years ago, Martha Allen
Hello! Below you will find the link to our PRCS Virtual Open House video. We look forward to welcoming you back to school next week and hope the video provides some useful information. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhFPqklmzbc&list=TLPQMDUwOTIwMjDN2Yz-8R9--w&index=2 Enjoy the long weekend!
over 4 years ago, Christina O'Neal
MSAD11 Parent Caregiver Guide Video: https://youtu.be/n7Jv09SFRU0
over 4 years ago, Terry McGuire