Dear LER families,
Today all our teachers, including our guidance counselor, art, PE, and music teachers, and support staff worked to put together activity packets for every child in our school. The packets include review and practice activities for your child for 10 days of school. The packets are available for pick up tomorrow, March 18th, from 11:00-6:00. Please come to the front of the building. We will have a table outside for you to come up to in order to get your child's packet. Also, for families who signed up for meals to pick up at LER, we will have those ready as well. As recommended, please observe the social distance of 6 feet between you and others as you come tomorrow. No one is allowed into the building except school personnel. While the packets are intended to begin next week, we wanted to be sure all our families had the packets as soon as possible.
Please know that all the staff at LER are doing their very best to support your child during this time. Teachers will be reaching out to you and your child many times throughout the weeks ahead.
If you have questions or concerns that we can help with, please contact your child's teacher or myself. My email is:
Please stay safe and healthy!
Yours in the service of children,
Mrs. Moody