Please note, there is AM & PM PreK in MSAD #11 today, Friday, March 7th. Due to the one hour delay, AM PreK will start at 9:10 and will dismiss at its normal time of 11:10. PM PreK will start and dismiss at its regularly scheduled time.
5 days ago, Patricia Peckham
PreK today
Good morning. I apologize for the late notice. Due to the current road conditions, there will be a 1 hour delay to the start of school today. The roads are very slick, so please drive safe and enjoy your day. Pat Hopkins, MSAD 11 Superintendent of Schools.
5 days ago, Terry McGuire
Enjoy our March newsletter!
5 days ago, Patricia Peckham
Our March menu
13 days ago, Patricia Peckham
From Pat Hopkins, MSAD 11 Superintendent of Schools: I want to inform you that tomorrow, Thursday, February 27, will be a remote day for all MSAD11 schools. There are two factors associated with this decision - the potential for poor road conditions due to the forecasted weather and a shortage of bus drivers. Given both the uncertainty of the road conditions and the transportation staffing challenge, I am making this decision now to give families the opportunity to prepare. I understand the inconvenience this may cause for families and appreciate your patience and understanding.
13 days ago, Terry McGuire
Reminder: 2/14/25 is an early release day in MSAD11. GAHS and GRMS released around 11:00 am, and Elementary will release at 12:00 pm. No PREK classes.
26 days ago, Terry McGuire
Just a reminder... Today, Friday, February 14th, is an early release day in MSAD #11. Parent pick-up will begin at 11:45 and bus students will be dismissed at about noon. Have a safe and restful February vacation. We'll see you again on Monday, February 24th!
26 days ago, Patricia Peckham
early release
These fifth grade library helpers did a really nice job decorating our bulletin board. They came up with the idea and executed it!
26 days ago, Patricia Peckham
Due to the incoming storm, MSAD 11 schools will have a remote learning day on Thursday, February 13. Students will be going home with learning packets or will have access to Google Classroom materials. If you signed up for lunches on remote days, they will be sent home with your student today.
27 days ago, Terry McGuire
Enjoy our February newsletter!
30 days ago, Patricia Peckham
HT would like to start a Lego Club! If you have Legos that you would like to donate, we would love to take them off your hands! Please send them in to school, and keep an eye out for more Lego Club information to come!
about 1 month ago, Patricia Peckham
Good morning, this is Pat Hopkins, MSAD 11 Superintendent of Schools. As anticipated, today schools in MSAD 11 will be dismissed early due to today’s weather. The middle and high schools will be dismissed at 11 am and the elementary schools will be dismissed at 12 pm. The Central Office will close at 1 pm. Enjoy the snow and please stay safe.
about 1 month ago, Terry McGuire
Pat Hopkins, Superintendent of Schools in MSAD11: I am closely monitoring tomorrow’s weather, which, as of now, is expected to bring snow starting midday. I want to inform you that I am considering an early dismissal tomorrow based on the current forecast and predicted road conditions. While a final decision will be made tomorrow, I understand how disruptive an unplanned early dismissal can be, so I wanted to share my current thoughts to help families plan ahead. Again, any change to the school day due to weather will be announced tomorrow. Have a great evening!
about 1 month ago, Terry McGuire
MSAD #11 Transportation Newsletter - February, 2025
about 1 month ago, Patricia Peckham
The Regular School Board meeting scheduled for Thursday, February 6, 2025 has been postponed due the the final draft of the MOU/MOA for the School Based Health Center is not yet ready and the predicted snow storm. A new date has yet to be determined.
about 1 month ago, Martha Allen
Due to the current road conditions and our need to prepare the school facilities for students and staff, there will be a 2 hour delay to the start of school today, no AM pre-k, and the Central Office will open at 8:30 am. Please drive safely and enjoy your day.
about 1 month ago, Terry McGuire
Our February menu
about 1 month ago, Patricia Peckham
Good morning, this is Pat Hopkins, MSAD 11 Superintendent of Schools. Due to the current road conditions, there will be a 2 hour delay to the start of school today, no AM pre-k, and the Central Office will open at 8:30 am. As a result of the delayed start, today’s Early Release Day is being canceled and students will be in school for the full day, though there will be no afternoon pre-k. If this change in the schedule presents a challenge for your family, please contact your child’s school so we can accommodate your needs. Please drive safe and enjoy your day.
about 1 month ago, Terry McGuire
Just a reminder -- Wednesday, January 29th, is an Early Release Day. There is no PreK. Elementary students will be dismissed at noon. The gym lobby doors will open for parent pickup at about 11:45.
about 1 month ago, Patricia Peckham
Please click on the link to access an update on the PowerSchool SIS cybersecurity incident in MSAD11:
about 1 month ago, Terry McGuire