March 2019  Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences will be Wednesday, March 27 from 4pm to 7pm and Thursday, March 28 from 12:30pm-3:30pm.

 Our school is using to make Parent Teacher Conference signups as convenient as possible this year. Please enter the following web address into your browser window:

 Once you are on the website you can select your student(s) teachers, please select ALL of the teachers you will want to see.  You will then be asked if these conferences are for one student or multiple students. If it is for multiple students, please enter the names of each student. Then register your name and contact information. This creates a registration for each conference and sends you a confirmation email with a link to choose appointment times. On that same page, you will be able to add and change both registrations and appointments.

 Please keep in mind the location of classes when scheduling.  You may want to give yourself a time slot between conference sessions to give yourself time to walk from each conference to the next.

● English, Health, Career Education, Social Studies (Bucci is meeting in T-Wing), and World Languages are in the C-Wing (right)

● Math, Alternative Education, Media, JMG, and Science are in the T-Wing (left)

● Learning Center, Library, Guidance, Arts, PE & the Nurse are in the A-Wing (central building)

 If you do not have internet access, please contact Christina Riddle via phone at 207-582-3150 X3002 or  to assist you in scheduling.