Hello Everyone!  

I am excited to announce MSAD 11 Wellness Committee in partnership with the 5210 Let's Go! Program are putting together a challenge for staff and students starting November 1st!  The premise is simple, we are challenging you to drink more water everyday. Specifically, about half your body weight in ounces (or an amount deemed appropriate by you and your medical provider).  Wow!  Can you believe we need that much water every day to stay healthy?  Amazing!  

For our first 30 Day Water Challenge roll out, we are keeping things very simple. This is a self-directed activity and is meant to help reinforce how good it feels to take care yourself first!  Encourage others and have fun! In the future, we will likely be offering additional incentives and rewards for all your dedication and hard work!  YAY!

Please let me know if you have any further questions and thank you in advance for your support and participation!

Nora Diversi RN
Wellness Champion GAHS
