Senior – Leah Woodard
Musical ensembles that you’ve performed in at GAHS - Band
Number of years in Band and/or Chorus (Elementary through High School) – 8 years
Instrument(s) you play in Band and/or your vocal part in Chorus – Mallets/Percussion
What are your plans for after high school (college, major, job, etc.)? - I plan on pursuing a post-secondary education and attending either UMaine at Machias, University of New England, or College of the Atlantic to study Marine Biology.
What is your favorite piece(s) that you’ve performed in high school? – I have two favorites. Festive Fanfare and Chant Rituals.
What is your favorite musical moment in high school? - My favorite high school musical moments include the amazing Washington D.C trip, when Mr. Walker tells funny stories, outside band field days on the track, and band secret Santa.
How has being involved in the high school music department impacted you? - Being involved in the high school music department has impacted me in positive ways. I have met many of my friends through band, and I have gained a deeper understanding of music, developing a lifelong skill.
What words of wisdom would you share with the underclassmen music students? - To all underclassmen Band Geeks: 1.) RESPECT THE PERCUSSION – it’s a tough job being the heartbeat of a band. Okay?! 2.) Bring a pillow on the Washington, DC trip. Believe me, you'll want it for that 12 hour bus ride. 3.) Hydration is key! It can get warm on the bus - watch out.
Congratulations, Leah! Thank you for your dedication to the band and for sharing your musical talents with us for all of these years!!