Senior – Haley Mullins
Musical ensembles that you’ve performed in at GAHS - Chorus
Number of years in Band and/or Chorus (Elementary through High School) - 3
Instrument(s) you play in Band and/or your vocal part in Chorus – Soprano and Alto
What are your plans for after high school (college, major, job, etc.)? – To go to school and major in culinary arts
What honors festival have you participated in? – District III Treble Choir
What is your favorite musical moment in high school? – All the musicals
How has being involved in the high school music department impacted you? - It has let me be myself. Being able to be a part of singing groups has been very enjoyable and has let me find music within myself. The musicals have, many times, made me find new characters in me, I will forever be grateful that music has been and always will be a part of my life.
What words of wisdom would you share with the underclassmen music students? - Sing loud and proud. Try new things. Don’t be scared to do anything!
Congratulations, Haley! Thank you for your dedication to the chorus and for sharing your musical talents with us for all of these years!!