Gardiner Area High School Poet Laureate with Uncovered

Uncovered is Launched!

Cover photo is of Gardiner Area High School's current Poet Laureate junior Maggie Barron showing off Uncovered, the English Department's first literary magazine.

Below, freshman Gigi Grant and sophomore Peter Dawbin celebrate the launch.

Congratulations to the 27 Gardiner Area High School students whose work is represented in the English Department’s very first literary magazine: Uncovered.  Last week, artists, writers, and photographers stopped by the high school to pick up copies of the book, and the smiles were so bright we could see their happy glow from behind the masks!   Thank you to the greater Gardiner community for supporting this amazing publication.  Copies of Uncovered will be available in each English classroom as well as in the Library Commons.  We have a few extra copies for sale ($8 each) available on a first come-first served basis.  Please contact English Department Chair Rie Kittredge ( to request a copy.