Senior - Kyle Capozzi
Musical ensembles that you’ve performed in at GAHS - Band, Chorus, Select Choir, and Jazz Ensemble
Number of years in Band and/or Chorus (Elementary through High School) - Band - 8 years, Chorus – 2 years
Instrument(s) you play in Band and/or your vocal part in Chorus - Band – Tuba, Jazz Ensemble – Bass Guitar, Chorus & Select Choir - Tenor
What are your plans for after high school (college, major, job, etc.)? - I will be attending The University of Maine to major in music education with a minor in jazz studies.
What honors festival have you participated in? - District III Honors Festival Band, Jazz All State Chorus, All State Festival Band, and the All New England Band Festival
What is your favorite piece(s) that you’ve performed in high school? - I really loved every part of the musical “Anything Goes” last year. It was the best musical I’ve ever been in and it was so fun!
What is your favorite musical moment in high school? - I was a new student to Gardiner when I was a freshman. I immediately wanted to go to the music room because I knew that what I was passionate about. When I got there, I didn’t know just how passionate I was and how amazing the whole experience would be for me. That first band class with the most amazing director in the world sparked a new fire in me! One that will burn for the rest of my life! So, to sum it up... playing hey baby. :)
How has being involved in the high school music department impacted you? - I’ve made lifelong friends and learned so many lessons, not just about music but about life. Music is something I always want to do, and I want to make it a career and this music program has really made that possible!
What words of wisdom would you share with the underclassmen music students? - Take it all in, because it goes so fast and I wish I had more time in this wonderful program!
Congratulations, Kyle! Thank you for your dedication to the band and chorus and for sharing your musical talents with us for all of these years!!