Remote Day 2/13/25

Dear MSAD 11 Families,

On Thursday, February 13, MSAD 11 schools will have a remote learning day due to the incoming storm. For families who signed up for remote school lunches, they will be sent home with your student today. 

  • Elementary Schools: Paper packets will be sent home for students to complete. Students should complete the literacy and math activities and choose one learning activity from a specialist (art, music, PE, library). Teachers will set up office hours to help students, and families will get this information directly from their child’s teacher. Students should bring back their completed packets on the next school day. Returning the packet will mark your child as "present" for the remote learning day.

  • Gardiner Regional Middle School and Gardiner Area High School: Student assignments will be available in Google Classrooms. Families without reliable internet access may request paper copies. Teachers will set up office hours to help students, and families will get this information directly from their child’s teacher. Students should turn in their work electronically or bring back their completed packets on the next school day. Returning the packet or completing online requirements will mark your child as "present" for the remote learning day.

Benefits of Remote Learning Days:

  • Continuity of Learning: Using remote learning days allows students to keep up with their studies without interruption, so we can avoid adding extra school days at the end of the year. This way, students stay engaged and continue learning, even if we can't be together in person.

  • Easier Schedule Planning for Families: Remote learning days mean families can plan their schedules with more certainty, knowing that school breaks and end-of-year dates are less likely to change due to added make-up days.

  • Less Disruption to Routines: Keeping a learning routine in place, even when learning from home, can help students maintain their focus and academic progress. Teachers will continue with planned lessons and assignments to ensure learning goals are met.

I understand that remote learning creates its challenges, but we are committed to supporting all students and families in making it a successful experience. Thank you for your partnership in keeping learning consistent and productive, no matter the weather.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your child’s teacher or building administration.

Angela Hardy
Director of Curriculum/Assistant Superintendent