Senior - George Swenson
Musical ensembles that you’ve performed in at GAHS - Band, Chorus, Select Choir, Jazz Ensemble
Number of years in Band and/or Chorus (Elementary through High School) - 8 years
Instrument(s) you play in Band and/or your vocal part in Chorus - French horn, Piano, Tenor voice
What are your plans for after high school (college, major, job, etc.)? - I plan to attend college and double major in aeronautical engineering and electrical engineering.
What is your favorite piece(s) that you’ve performed in high school? - My favorite piece I have performed is The Greatest Showman, junior year.
What is your favorite musical moment in high school? - My favorite musical moment is performing "Will Power" in pizazz.
How has being involved in the high school music department impacted you? - I have been able to meet a great many kind, strange, interesting, and wonderful people that have made me into the person I am today.
What words of wisdom would you share with the underclassmen music students? - This has been said many times before, but it is worth mentioning again. No matter whether your performing an instrumental piece or singing a song, music is fun!! You are able to bond with other people through music, perform for crowds, and learn lifelong lessons. So, cherish it, since you are far more lucky than many other people in the world who don't have that luxury.
Congratulations, George! Thank you for your dedication to the band and chorus and for sharing your musical talents with us for all of these years!!