September 2017
Dear Students/Parents/Guardians:
MSAD 11 now has a mobile App! In an effort to enhance our communication with parents, guardians, students, and the community, the MSAD 11 websites have been reconstructed in conjunction with the creation of a mobile App.
Since spring, our technology department has worked with a company called Apptegy to redesign our websites and to create a mobile App that can be downloaded onto smartphones and tablets.
Our decision to hire Apptegy to create a MSAD 11 mobile App was driven by our desire to provide our school community with more real-time information. The App will include information, including: daily lunch menus, individual school news updates, emergency information, school cancellations and delays due to weather, athletic event details, and school board meeting information. With just one click, we can automatically post our notices to our websites and social media accounts.
The new alert system will permit us to send you notifications via text messages, phone calls, and emails. You will receive a form letter with the information we have in your child’s PowerSchool account. Please verify the information is correct, and choose if you want to OPT OUT of voice calls or text messages on any of the phone numbers on this form. It is important that this form letter be returned to your child’s school main office as soon as possible so we can prepare the system. If you need help, or have questions, please call your child’s school office directly. Office personnel can help to set your contact preferences, as well as change phone numbers and email address information in your PowerSchool account.
This App does not replace our PowerSchool Parent Portal, which provides information to parents/guardians regarding student grading and attendance.
As we roll out this new system, we anticipate glitches will occur. If you encounter a problem when using this new App, we request you provide us feedback to help us improve the usefulness of the new platform.
On your mobile device, go to the store you use to download Apps, search for “MSAD11”, and download the free MSAD 11 mobile App today!
Best regards,
Patricia Hopkins
Superintendent of Schools